Advice on what to do if your dog is lost or stolen

Unfortunately, it happens that our dogs can sometimes become separated from us for one reason or another, often whilst out walking.

Even more unfortunate and more worrying is the fact that dog theft in the UK is on the rise, particularly amongst pedigree dogs.

When our dogs get lost or are stolen from us we can easily panic and not know what to do for the best and how to get help in finding them, so that you can be reunited safely and quickly. Time is of the essence, particularly if the dog has been stolen. The sooner you act, the more chance there is of you and your dog being together again quickly.

The UK organisation DOG LOST have put together a poster, which takes you through all the things you need to do to get help fast and spread the word in the wider community. They have kindle given us permission to share this with you.

A copy of this poster can also be downloaded from this website so you can print it off and keep it in a safe and memorable place (with your dog’s microchip information and paperwork might be a good idea) so you can access the information easily should you be unfortunate enough to have to use it. Download the poster here by clicking on the following link: – Advice from DOG LOST

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