The SCWT Club of GB presents a number of show awards annually to the top achievers in the breed. Details of these annual awards and how they are calculated, are shown in the sections below.

All Club awards are calculated over the period from 1st January to 31st December.

These awards are open to any Wheaten, but trophies will only be awarded to fully paid up SCWT Club of GB Members. (Please note: If a dog is owned in partnership, then all partners must be Members for the trophy to be awarded).

Most of the annual awards are calculated by the Club and do not have to be claimed. However, there are three awards that must be claimed by the owner.



This is an annual award for our Junior members only, and gives them the opportunity to attend training or events where they can develop their skills in canine related activities. Further details of this award, and how to apply, are shown in the dedicated section below.

Non-claimed Awards

These awards are calculated by the Club and do not need to be claimed by the owner.

Top Wheaten Award
This is awarded to either the Top Wheaten Bitch or Top Wheaten Dog, whichever has the most points – as calculated below.

Top Wheaten Dog & Top Wheaten Bitch Awards
These are each awarded based on the following calculations:

At Championship Shows with CCs on offer for the breed,
– CC winners are awarded points equal to 3 times the number of Wheatens entered.
– Reserve CC winners are awarded points equal to the number of Wheatens entered.
– Best of Breed receives additional points equal to the number of Wheatens entered.

At Championship Shows without CCs on offer for the breed, and at the Club’s Open Shows, Best of Breed receives points equal to the number of Wheatens entered.

Top Puppy Award
At Championship Shows with CCs on offer for the breed, 3 points are awarded for Best Puppy in Breed.

At Championship Shows without CCs on offer for the breed, and at Club Open Shows, 1 point is awarded for Best Puppy in Breed.

Top Veteran Award
Qualifying points will be awarded for successes at all Championship with Veteran and/or Vintage Classes for the breed, and also at both of our Club’s Open Shows. The points system for this award is as follows:

At Championship Shows with CCs on offer for the breed:
No Veteran Or Vintage classes in Breed – Nil Points
Veteran or Vintage classes available with BVIB awarded – 3 points to the BVIB
Veteran or Vintage classes available but no BVIB awarded – 1 point to the winner of each Veteran
or Vintage Class

At Championship Shows without CCs on offer for the breed:
No Veteran Or Vintage classes in Breed – Nil Points
Veteran or Vintage classes available with BVIB awarded – 2 points to the BVIB
Veteran or Vintage classes available but no BVIB awarded – 1 point to the winner of each Veteran
or Vintage Class

SCWT Club of GB Open Shows – 3 points to the BVIB

Top Stud Dog and Top Brood Bitch Awards
These awards are calculated on the wins achieved by his/her progeny. The dog or bitch gains for itself as many points as its offspring collects in the Top Wheaten competition.

Top Breeder Award
A breeder will receive 4 points for each individual dog or bitch winning a Challenge Certificate, and 1 point for each additional CC won by the same dog or bitch.

The Australian Trophy
This trophy is awarded to the dog or bitch, made up to Champion during the year, who has won the most points in the Top Wheaten competition.

Claimed Awards

These awards must be claimed by the owner at the end of the year. Details of how claims should be made, and to whom, will be given in the Club Bulletin, on the website and on Facebook.

Bacanti Firsts Cup
This is awarded to the Wheaten winning the most first prizes in breed classes each year at Championship and Open Shows.

Variety Challenge Plate
This is awarded to the Wheaten winning most in variety and non-classified classes including AVNSC and Stakes Classes at both Open and Championship Shows. Points are awarded on the basis of 7 points for 1st place, 6 points for 2nd place, reducing by a point per place.

Eridanus Special Beginners Award
This is awarded to the Wheaten which wins most often in Breed Classes at Championship, Open and Limit Shows. 1st place is worth 3 points, 2nd place two points and 3rd place 1 point. This award is only open to a dog where the dog itself has not won a CC, and/or where its owner/keeper, or handler at shows, has never won a CC in any breed.

If you wish to download a document showing the above information for these Claimed Awards, please click on the following link – How to calculate the Claimed Annual Awards


In 2006, former Club members, Ralph and Eunice Steele, generously bequeathed money to the Club from their estate, which they asked to be used for the benefit of the Membership.

In 2008, a vote was taken at the AGM, and it was agreed that this money should be used to support the development of the Junior Members of the Club, and it was decided that an annual award would be offered to enable a Junior Member to attend the Young Kennel Club (YKC) Summer Camp. The award was named Findarcy Junior Award after Ralph and Eunice’s Findarcy kennel affix.

The YKC Summer Camp is a week-long event for Juniors (aged 8 to 15 years) and their dogs, where they can enjoy a holiday together and take part in a range of training and social events. Previous activities have included Agility, Handling, Obedience, Flyball, Good Citizen, Grooming and Heelwork to Music.

Sadly in 2015, the YKC announced it would no longer be holding the Summer Camps. This was a sad loss for many of our Juniors, who were no longer able to benefit from the training and experience that had previously been available to them through this event. As a result, the Club’s Committee agreed to extend the availability of the Findarcy Junior Award to allow it to be used for any canine related event or training that would support the development of the Junior Members of the Club. When the Kennel Club announced the return of the YKC Summer Camps in 2020, this was once again included within the parameters of the Award.

Any Junior member wishing to be considered for this award, should submit their application between 1st January and 28th February, to the Club Secretary, at .

The application should give details of the following: –
* Some details about themselves (age, how long they have been involved with Wheatens, what canine related activities they enjoy and are involved in etc.)
* The name of the event or training they wish to attend, as well as when this is taking place and the cost of attending.
* Details of why they wish to attend and how they will benefit from being there?
* Any other related information that they feel might be useful.