In the sections below you will find information relating to our Judges & other Show related information.

These sections cover: –

* Our current SCWT Club of GB’s Judges’ Lists
* Information for Show Secretaries relating to Supported Entry & Show Sponsorship from our Club
* Information for Prospective Judges
* Judges’ Development & Training
* Judges scheduled to judge Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers at Championship Shows and our Club Open Shows

The SCWT Club of GB's Judges' Lists

The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB Judges’ Lists are compiled annually by the Club’s Judges Sub-Committee (JSC), at their meeting held at the National Terrier Show every April, and in accordance with The Kennel Club’s Code of Best Practice.

Updates for those Judges on the B and C Lists are requested annually, usually in January/February. Those whose status has changed will normally be notified in writing after the lists have been endorsed by the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB main Committee in April/May, as will new applicants.

The Current Lists are as follows: –
The Judges A1 List can be downloaded here – 2024 A1 Judges List
The Judges A2 List can be downloaded here – 2024 A2 Judges List
The Judges A3 List can be downloaded here – 2024 A3 Judges List
The JEP Level 2 & Club Judges B Lists can be downloaded here – 2024 JEP Level 2 & Club B Judges Lists
The JEP Level 1 & Club Judges C Lists can be downloaded here – 2024 JEP Level 1 & Club C Judges Lists

The Judges List Criteria can be downloaded here – SCWT JUDGES LIST CRITERIA 2024

Supported Entry & Show Sponsorship - Information for Society Secretaries

Show Secretaries please read below for details of both Supported Entry & Show Sponsorship options available for your open shows.


As part of the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club’s obligation to the KC, we are required to offer a Supported Entry to a minimum of 2 general or group open shows each year.

The SCWT Club of GB have decided to support Terrier Group Open Shows only.

Supported Entry is available for Terrier Group Open Shows where an existing B List or A3 List Judge, or JEP Level 2 Judge, is appointed to judge SCWT classes, and where the Show is known to, or considered will, attract a good entry for our breed.

In addition, where we agree to offer a Supported Entry, the SCWT Club of GB will also –
* Promote these shows to our Members via our Club Website and our Facebook page.
* Provide £10.00 sponsorship/donation to the Show Society, where a Non-Breed Specialist Judge is selected. The sponsorship/donation will be £15 where a Breed Specialist Judge is selected.

Terrier Group Open Show Secretaries specifically wanting to appoint JEP Level 2 Judges to for their show, should contact the SCWT BEC, Rob Jones, by email at robjonesscwt@gmail.com for suggested names.



The following sponsorship donations will be made available, but these will only apply where a show appoints one of the SCWT Club of GB’s Level 2 JEP or B List Judges This is offered to help aspiring Judges gain the experience required to progress.

Options 1 & 2 below apply to Terrier Only Breed Society/Association Open Shows only.

Option 3 applies to all other General Breed Open Shows.

* Option 1 – If a TERRIER ONLY BREED SOCIETY/ASSOCIATION appoints a Level 2 JEP or B List BREED SPECIALIST Judge for Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Breed Classes at their Open Show, the SCWT Club of GB will support your show with a donation of £15.

* Option 2 – If a TERRIER ONLY BREED SOCIETY/ASSOCIATION appoints a Level 2 JEP or B List  NON-BREED SPECIALIST Judge for Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Breed Classes at their Open Show, the SCWT Club of GB will support your show with a donation of £10.

* Option 3 – If a GENERAL BREED SOCIETY/ASSOCIATION appoints any Level 2 JEP or B Judge, for Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Breed Classes at their Open Show, the SCWT Club of GB will support your show with a donation of £10.

Please notify the Chairperson, (email: chairperson@wheaten.org.uk), if you wish to claim a donation.

Please also forward a schedule of your show with your request, to the Chairperson, to confirm who you have appointed as Judge.


Information for Prospective Judges

Prospective Judges, who wish to be included on the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB’s Judges’ List, need to submit their request, together with a completed Judge’s Application Form, to the Chairman of our JSC.

A copy of the Judge’s Application Form from the following link – SCWT Judges Application Form ,  or alternatively, you can email our JSC Chairman, Steve Howe, at sunnidayze2@gmail.com for a copy.

Judges' Development & Training

A2 Assessments for Judges on our Club B List or above.

A Judge on our Club B List or above, can make a request, through our Club’s JSC, to be assessed using the A2 questionnaire, when they are judging at a certain events/shows, including general Open Show, a Club Open Show or at a Championship show without CCs offered for the Breed.

However, Judges requesting an assessment should note, that there are some dependencies, such as number of dogs present on the day, availability of assessors etc., time between request and show, that may prevent an assessment taking place.

Three successful A2 assessments, from three separate assessors, are required before the Club will be able to submit an application on behalf of the Judge, to the Kennel Club for them to be consider the Judge for inclusion on the A2 list.

The Club strongly recommends that any eligible Judge considering this type of assessment, reads the Kennel Club document called A2 LIST JUDGES PROCEDURE so that they fully understand the process and requirements. A copy can be found on the following link – https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/media/577402/jd31_a2_judges_list_procedure_4.pdf

Key points are as follows: –

* Judges must already be on the Club’s B List or above to request an A2 assessment.
* All requests from Judges for A2 assessments must be made through the Club’s JSC. They should not be requested directly with a Judge or the Kennel Club, and not via the BEC. (The A2 assessment process is not part of the JCF development programme therefore the BEC cannot arrange these.)
* The Kennel Club process must be followed at all times.
* There must be 5 dogs present as a minimum at the event/show where the assessment is taking place
* Only when 3 successful A2 assessments, from three separate assessors, have been submitted to the Kennel Club, can the Club apply to the Kennel Club (on behalf of the Judge), for them to consider including the Judge on the A2 list.

Please note – Failure to follow the criteria and process in the Kennel Club document, may result in an assessment being made invalid.

Please give as much notice as possible (at least four weeks) if you wish to request an assessment.

Contact the JSC Chairman, Steve Howe, at sunnidayze2@gmail.com with your A2 assessment request, and provide the following information: –

* Your name
* Club’s Judges’ List you currently appear on
* Name of Show/Event you wish to be assessed at
* Date of Show
* Venue for Show
* Number of Classes
* Name and contact details of the Show Secretary



The BEC is a key co-ordinating role working on behalf of the Kennel Club Judges’ Education Programme (Breed Shows) for the education and training of judges.

The BEC for SCWT is ROB JONES. To contact Rob by email, please click on the following link – Contact Rob Jones


What is a Breed Education Co-ordinator (BEC)?

A breed education co-ordinator is an administrative role to co-ordinate all points of breed-specific education, and to offer support for judges up to CC awarding level. This co-ordinating role is held on behalf of the breed club in order to support the breed club’s obligations under the Kennel Club’s Judges Education Programme (Breed Shows) for the education and training of judges.

The SCWT BEC is someone who will work with SCWT Club of GB to assist and monitor our level 1–3 judges who wish to progress through the breed-specific judging levels, with the purpose of helping each judge to identify opportunities for them to enhance their knowledge of the breed right through to achieving level 4.

For further information regarding the BEC role, please visit the Kennel Club website at – https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/events-and-activities/dog-showing/judging-dog-shows/breed-education-co-ordinators/

Judges Scheduled to Judge Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers at Championship and Club Shows.

To download the list of confirmed, scheduled SCWT Judges for Championship and Club Shows, please click on the link below for the year you wish to look at. The link will open in a new page.

Please note – show dates are subject to confirmation and possible later change, by either the RKC or Show Society. Please check the official show schedules for any updates.

The list(s) shown below will be updated with dates and Judges as these are known and confirmed.


Judges 2024

Judges 2025