New Show Secretary Announced
Many of you will have seen the recent announcement on 30th Jan on the Club’s social that we were looking for someone to fill the role of Show Secretary. I am delighted to announce that Gareth (Gazstaff) Thomas has been appointed as the successor to Suzi Gale, who will be stepping down after our April Championship Show, but will remain on hand to support Gareth whilst he settles in. Gareth brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the role and the committee feel very lucky to have him as part of the team. Some of you will have met (heard) Gareth at the October 2024 Championship Show as he offered his stewarding expertise for the day. He would love you to come and say ‘hi’ if you are attending the April show.
Suzi will also be stepping down from full committee duties at this years’ AGM and whilst this is extremely sad news for the Club but very exciting news for Suzi as she is pursuing a new business venture. She will also have more time to spend with her lovely Wheaten baby boy Enzo.
It’s hard to put into words the amount of commitment and dedication that Suzi has given since joining the committee 2 years ago when the Club was in danger of folding. Suzi has done a fabulous job as Show Secretary learning her craft from scratch which is no mean feat. She worked relentlessly and diligently as part of the team and I have always been struck by her passion for all things Wheaten, her enthusiasm and energy and of course her ‘service with a smile’ and positive attitude even during many times of adversity. I know that Suzi has thoroughly enjoyed her time on the committee and will always be an advocate. The committee will miss Suzi greatly and owe her a huge debt of thanks, we wish her well in her new venture, with Suzi at the helm how can it not be a success.
Our new Show Secretary’s bio
Gareth Thomas
I’ve been involved in dog shows since I was 6 when my father and brother started to show Staffords and actually served on a breed club committee at the age of 14, a short period away when the children were young ended around 12 years ago where my wife (Carmen) and I were able to give the hobby the time we hadn’t been able to previously, since then we Bred our first and only Gazstaff litter to date producing 2 champions in the process.
I’ve served various roles on breed club committees but for the last 5 years I’ve been canine section secretary of Pontardulais Horticultural and agricultural society, an al- breed open show locally. Since 2024 I’ve also been privileged to serve on the committee on the Terrier Club of South Wales. I have also judged nearly all of the terrier breeds at open show level as well as stewarding numerous times, it’s been said I can be a little too quiet when stewarding.
To date I’ve only ever exhibited staffords but who knows what the future holds and I have spotted a wheaten shaped space on my sofa. I’ve been fascinated with the breed since I first judged them 4 years ago and have dedicated quite a lot of time to trying to gain more knowledge on the breed including several days stewarding for the club.
Away from dogs my spare time revolves around my wife, children and my amazing Grandson and the occasional pint of lager!