Dear Members,
With apologies for any inconvenience but we have decided to postpone the 2025 AGM.
On the 14th of February, we announced on our website that the AGM would take place on Sunday 13th April 2025 at Nether Whitacre Village Hall. Our rules require that we give at least 60 days notice to our membership of the date of the AGM and that nominations and agenda items must be received by the Honorary Secretary, in writing at least 45 days before the meeting.
Due to an administrative error, our website announcement only gave 58 days notice. Subsequent emails to the membership and a posting on our Facebook page gave a few days less notice.
Although the Committee hasn’t received any direct feedback from the membership about this, we are aware of related commentary on this matter in other media, which was disappointingly not shared directly with the Committee.
In order to make sure that our membership do have sufficient opportunity to prepare for the AGM, and to submit any agenda items and nominations for committee membership, we have therefore decided to postpone the AGM.
A new date will be announced in due course, making sure we provide at least 60 days notice.
The Committee of the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB
28th February 2025
The new date and venue for SCWT Club of GB 2024 AGM will be advised in due course.
Any Items or Proposals for the Agenda as well as Committee Vacancy Applications, need to be sent to the Secretary and the closing date for these will be advised in due course. See instructions and further details below.
All fully paid up members are welcome.
Agenda will be forwarded to all members in due course.
Any Queries please contact the Secretary Helen Reaney on
Tea and Coffee will be available all day and also some Refreshments. However, please bring your own lunch.
Items for the agenda should be in the form of either a proposal requiring a vote or for discussion only and marked as such. Both types of agenda item must be proposed and seconded by fully paid-up members of the Club.
Rule 6a states “No business shall be transacted at the Annual General Meeting unless notice thereof appears on the agenda.” All proposals to the AGM should be clear in their meaning and if not understood by the Committee will be returned for clarification which must be returned to the Secretary before the closing date, or within 7 days of the date of return to the proposer (whichever is longer), in order for it to be included on the AGM agenda.
If you are making a proposal at the AGM, ideally you should be present at the meeting to introduce your agenda item. If you are unable to attend, the seconder of the proposal becomes responsible for doing this and please let the Secretary know if this is the case.
Chairperson: Nominations are requested for this position for a one-year term and should be proposed, seconded and accompanied by the nominee’s signature. The Chairperson will be elected from the candidates by the Committee immediately after the 2025 AGM.
Honorary Secretary: This position is for the remaining 3 years of a 4-year term until the AGM 2028
Committee Members: There are three positions (by rotation) each for a term of three years until the AGM of 2028
Rule 6b states “…All nominations must be accompanied by the nominee’s signature indicating willingness to serve, this can be scanned or photographed. A profile of the nominee shall also be submitted, of no more than 400 words in English and based on the Club’s standardised application form.
No person shall be eligible for election or re-election as an Officer or Committee Member unless she/he has been a paid-up member throughout the preceding financial year of the Club and up to the Annual General Meeting, and without having been readmitted to membership during that period…”
The Committee are currently preparing job descriptions for Secretary and Committee Members, which will be available from the Secretary on request. Monthly Committee meetings are held mainly using video conferencing technology on week-day evenings; however, Committee Members are expected to attend the AGM in person and be available to respond promptly to emails requiring decisions and input in between Committee meetings. In addition, Committee support is required at Club events including Shows, Fun Days, Grooming Workshops and Breed Seminars. Committee members are required to assist in the varied activities necessary to run the Club including organizing Grooming Workshops or Seminars, catering, setting up and taking down Shows and Fun Days, running raffles etc. Sound organizational skills including the use of Excel spreadsheets and/or experience of shows, judging and knowledge of the breed are all valuable to our Club.
Application forms for all the above roles are available on request from the Secretary, please email Candidates are expected to attend the AGM as well as a short Committee meeting immediately after.
Details of the ballot for Committee vacancies will be sent to those members who have paid their subscriptions in full by 1st March 2025. Unless a paper ballot is requested from the Secretary or the 5Club does not hold a valid email address for a member, the details of the ballot will be distributed by email with instructions as to how to complete online. If you have paid in full by that date, but have not received ballot papers by 1st April 2025, please contact the Secretary.
The Kennel Club have advised that their rule change to permit Clubs to hold two Championship Shows each year has been extended to 2028. Therefore, we will be holding a ballot for one additional breed specialist judge for an additional 2028 Championship Show. The results of this ballot will be announced at the 2025 AGM.
To qualify for this ballot, you must have regularly attended Wheaten classes at Championship and Open Shows or been involved with showing or judging the breed for at least two years.
Any eligible, fully paid-up member wishing to vote should request to do so by email by 27th February 2025 to the Secretary on Please note that this ballot is not automatically distributed to members.
Special Award: Members are invited to nominate candidates for this award in recognition of outstanding service of a Club Member (not a Committee Member) to the breed and/or the Club. The final decision from those suggested will be made by the Committee.
Janeyjimjams Award: Members are invited to suggest candidates (not a Committee Member) for the “unsung hero” who has served the breed in some way during the last 12 months. In the absence of the Club currently having a Chairperson, the final decision on the recipient will be taken by Julia Nevinson, Membership Secretary.
Please email your nominations to the Acting Secretary, Helen Reaney at by 27th February 2025
A copy of the annual statement of accounts for the last financial year will be sent 14 days prior to the AGM to Members who have requested this document from the Treasurer at least 45 days before the AGM.
Finally, we look forward to seeing as many members as possible at our AGM where we discuss important topics including health. If you don’t show or breed Wheatens, we would still love to see you there and welcome a broad spectrum of views on a range of important topics for the breed.