SCWT Supporting Ukraine Animal Rescue Charities

The SCWT Club of GB are sure that many of you have been affected in some way by the current situation in Ukraine, and the impact current events are having on the Ukrainian people and their animals.

The Club are aware that several breed Clubs and their members are already planning to collect and donate funds to support animal rescue charities in Ukraine.

So that our members and friends are able to offer their support too, the Club are planning to have a collection bucket available on our ringside breed booth at Crufts. The Club will donate the amount raised from this collection to the FCI ( Federation Cynologigue Internationale),  which is in a position via its network of Kennel Club’s in both Ukraine and bordering countries of Poland and Hungary to help those breeders, owners and their dogs who are in desperate need.

Thank you in advance for your support, and for helping this cause.

For those not attending Crufts, but who still wish to donate to one of the animal rescue charities directly involved with the Ukraine rescue operations, you can find a list of several animal charities that are involved by going to the following website –

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