The 2020 Findarcy Junior Award

History and information about the Findarcy Junior Award

In 2006, Ralph and Eunice Steele generously bequeathed money to the Club from their estate, which they asked to be used for the benefit of the Membership.

In 2008, a vote was taken at the AGM and it was agreed that this money should be used to support the development of the Junior Members of the Club, and it was decided that an annual award would be offered to enable a Junior Member to attend the Young Kennel Club (YKC) Summer Camp. The award was named Findarcy Junior Award after Ralph and Eunice’s Findarcy kennel affix.

The YKC Summer Camp is a week-long event for Juniors (aged 8 to 15 years) and their dogs, where they can enjoy a holiday together and take part in a range of training and social events. Previous activities have included Agility, Handling, Obedience, Flyball, Good Citizen, Grooming and Heelwork to Music.

Sadly in 2015, the YKC announced it would no longer be holding the Summer Camps, and since then the Findarcy Junior Award has not been awarded. This was a sad loss for many of our Juniors, who were no longer able to benefit from the training and experience that had previously been available to them.

However, the good news is that the Kennel Club have announced that their YKC Summer Camp is back! It will be held at Rutland Showground, in Oakham, between the 12th and 17th August 2020. If you want to read the KC announcement and see where to find out more information about the camp please click on the following document which will open in a new page – YKC Summer Camp 2020.

Normally any claims for this award, would need to be with us by 1st March, but as the KC announcement came out after this date, and as no claim for the Findarcy Award has yet been made for this year, we have decided to extend the deadline until the 1st APRIL 2020.<


What we are looking for & how to claim

The winner of the Findarcy Junior Award will be someone who shows a desire to improve their abilities in any discipline, and who is someone that the Committee feels will strive to represent the Breed and Club in the best possible light as they continue to compete in dog related activities. Applicants need not necessarily be successful in their chosen discipline, as this award is intended to help Junior Members develop new skills.

Applicants should send a brief report telling us why you would like to be considered for the Findarcy Junior Award and how you think attending the YKC Summer Camp would benefit you. If you want to include any photos with your report, please feel free to do so.

Your report should be sent to the Secretary, Denise Pascoe, at , and should arrive no later than 1st April 2020. An email will be sent to you to acknowledge receipt.



1. Applicants should be aged between 8 & 15 years on 31st August 2020 and be current Junior Members of the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB.
(If you aren’t already a Junior Member ask your parent or guardian to print off and complete the following form and return it as shown – Juniors Only Membership Form. There is no membership charge for Junior Members.)
2. Membership of the YKC is also required to attend the camp. See KC announcement attached above for details of how to join.
3. The award will cover the attendance fee for the YKC Summer Camp of the successful applicant and one parent or guardian.
4. If the YKC Summer Camp is cancelled for any reason, the successful applicant will be funded to attend the following YKC Summer Camp.
5. The final decision will be made by the Committee of the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB and the winner will be announced at the 2020 AGM.
6. Applications for the 2020 Findarcy Junior Award should be sent to the Secretary, Denise Pascoe, at , and must be received no later than the 1st April 2020.
7. The winner for the 2020 Findarcy Junior Award will be required to write an article about their experience at the YKC Summer Camp for the Club’s 2020 Winter Bulletin.