Our Objectives

The aim of this service is to place in loving, caring homes, Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers who, due to unfortunate circumstances, require re-homing.

The scheme is to be self supporting through donations and fund raising.



Our Rehome Coordinator has reported that since the start of the Covid-19 crisis, a huge increase in the number of application forms have been received from people willing to offer a new home to a Wheaten.

The number of dogs looking for a new forever home has also dropped significantly.

Although we are still happy to receive applications, please be aware that there may be a lengthy wait for a suitable dog to come along.


If you need to find a new forever home for your Wheaten Terrier, or if you would like to offer a new forever home to a Wheaten Terrier, please read the sections below.


Whilst we’re lucky enough not to have as many dogs to rehome as some other breeds, partly due to the success of our Breeders Directory and our Area Representatives scheme, we do occasionally have Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers who need a new home.

The club keeps a register of people who would like to offer a Wheaten Terrier a new home and the rehome co-ordinator will try to match the needs of the dog, as best as possible, to the prospective new owner’s circumstances.

There are many reasons why a dog may need a new home; it could be due to the owners’ changed circumstances, i.e. relationship break up, prolonged working hours, ill health of the owner or occasionally we may be asked to rehome a dog with problems.

If you would like to apply to rehome a Wheaten Terrier, please download the application form by click on the following link – Offer a new home application form.


The club keeps a register of people who would like to offer a Wheaten Terrier a new home and the rehome co-ordinator tries to match the needs of the dog, as best as possible, to the prospective new owner’s circumstances.

Once you have downloaded and completed the application form, please return to the rehome co-ordinator whose contact details can be found on the form. You can either return the form by post or email .

For more information please contact our Rehome Co-ordinator


Please read the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB’s rehome policy which can be found on the following link Rehome Policy

The Club has a fund dedicated to rehome and rescue. This fund is in place to help pay for any expenses (e.g. kennelling, fostering, vet bills, transport etc.) that may be incurred during the rehome process.

This fund relies entirely on donations.
If you would like to make a donation to the rehome fund, simply click on the ‘doggy with the bowl’ below


Please Donate

If you don’t have a PayPal account, or prefer not to use PayPal itself, the PayPal page offers the option of using a credit or debit card instead.

Alternatively, please contact the Rehome Co-ordinator for more information.

Thank you so much, it really does help!


If you have a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier and circumstances require you to find a new home for the dog, please first read our Rehome Policy by clicking on the following linkRehome Policy

The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB offers a Rehome service to its Members. The aim of the scheme is to find loving, new homes for Wheaten Terriers whose owners can no longer provide the care and companionship they need. The reasons for this can be many; relationship breakdown, bereavement, extended working hours etc.

The Club keeps a register of people who would like to offer a Wheaten Terrier a new home and the rehome co-ordinator will try to match the needs of the dog, as best as possible, to the prospective new owner’s circumstances.

If you would like the Club to help you find a new home and put you in touch with potential, suitable new owners, please contact our Rehome Co-ordinator

You will be required to give full and accurate details about your dog which will help the Rehome Co-ordinator identify the most suitable new home and owner. Please download and complete the Dog Information Form at the following link and send to the Rehome Co-ordinator Dog Information Form

If your dog is successfully rehomed, and before it goes to the new owners, you will be asked to pass to the new owners information about your dog which will help to make the transfer as smooth as possible.

You will also be required to complete the following: –

  • a Rehome Dog Release Form, which you also need to return to the Rehome Co-ordinator. This can be downloaded at the following link Rehome Dog Release Form
  • a form giving details about your dog, which should be given to the new owners. This can be found at the following link – Information about dog for new owners


The Club has a fund dedicated to rehome and rescue. This fund is in place to help pay for any expenses (e.g. kennelling, fostering, vet bills, transport etc.) that may be incurred during the rehome process.

The fund relies entirely on donations.

If you would like to make a donation to the rehome fund, simply click on the ‘doggy with the bowl’ below.


Please Donate

If you don’t have a PayPal account, or prefer not to use PayPal itself, the PayPal page offers the option of using a credit or debit card instead.

Alternatively, please contact the Rehome Co-ordinator for more information.

Thank you so much, it really does help!


The Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB Committee would like to thank those of you who have contacted our Rehome Co-ordinator when dogs, described as Wheaten Terriers, are advertised on various rescue centre websites. This is now happening on a regular basis and the Committee would like to clarify how and when we can help.

The Club set up its Rehome Service to provide help and assistance to Club Members who need to rehome their Wheaten Terrier, when a change in circumstances results in them being unable to continue to provide a good home for the dog. These dogs are usually well adjusted and adapt quickly to a change of home and owner

Many of the dogs in rescue centres are ex-breeding stock, not used to human contact, and have never been socialised. They often have quite severe behavioural issues. Whilst the Committee agree that these dogs deserve the chance of a normal life, we do not have the necessary expertise or resources to become involved in finding them new homes.

Although the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of GB is happy to share links on our Facebook page, to help spread the word when a Wheaten Terrier is in a Rescue Centre, we are unable to become involved in the adoption/rehome process and cannot accept any responsibility for the outcome of any adoption or rehome which results.

** 2025 Wonderful Wheaten Calendars now available in our shop . ** Dismiss