The SCWT Club of GB criteria for achieving Breed Record status is as follows.

The title of Breed Record holder is a personal achievement.

Only unique CCs from individual judges, awarded at Championship shows, will count towards the Breed Record.

The following awards will NOT count towards the Breed Record: –
* Repeat CCs from same judge
* Group wins
* Best of Breeds at non CC shows

No other awards will count towards the Breed Record.

Details of the current Breed Record Holders are shown below.


CH Greentree Gold Mombo to Denzilly (Imp USA)
DOB : 11th February 2016
40 Unique CCs (42 CCs in total)

Graham & I were delighted when Hendrix was officially crowned as the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club Of GB’s “Breed Record Holder” in April 2024 .

The breed record holder is the Wheaten who has been awarded the most Challenge Certificates (CC’s) in the breed by individual judges.

To date (at 28th February 2025) Hendrix has been awarded forty CC’s from individual judges, although he does have a total of forty-two CC’s to his credit.

Hendrix was bred by our friends Beverly & Kevin McDonald, Greentree Wheatens, New Jersey. Hendrix was born in February 2016 by Sire: AmCh/CanCh Greentree Moonstruck Mombo Man ROM, and Dam: AmCh/Can Ch Greentree Gold Charm. Graham collected Hendrix from his breeders in May 2016, at the age of 16 weeks, and his show potential as a puppy soon started to become a reality from the moment his paws stepped into the show ring at the age of six months.

We are privileged and so lucky to have Hendrix in our lives, we cherish all his wins & the great memories we have been able to make. We sincerely thank all forty judges who have recognised his qualities and awarded him top honours over the years. We do feel four of Hendrix’s awards deserve a detailed mention in this article as they represent key milestones of Hendrix’s show career to date. In chronological order these awards are as follows:

1. Steve Howe (Stevelyn/Sunnidayze) – Awarded Challenge Certificate #1, with Best of Breed at Richmond Championship Show, September 2016, at the age of 7 months. To this day we do not know who was more surprised by this award, ourselves or Steve Howe, seldom are puppies awarded BOB at such a young age.
Judges Critique – “Wow what a pup, so well balanced, caught the eye right from the off, did everything right, moved a dream & couldn’t resist him in the challenge. Hope he goes on to be a real star. CC & BOB”

2. Carol Barnes-Davies – Awarded Challenge Certificate #3 with Best of Breed at WELKS Championship Show, April 2017, at the time this made Hendrix the UK’s youngest breed Champion at the age of 14 months.
Judges Critique “Loved his size and ring presence. Nice overall outline which is confirmed on examination. Good coat and colour coming nicely for age. Well presented. Dark eye, black nose and great dentition. Lovely head with well set ears. Nice straight front and good shoulder placement. Kept level topline standing and on the move. Good rear angulation with tail well set on. Moved out well with bags of animation. Happy boy. CC & BOB”

3. Jane Withers – Awarded Challenge Certificate #23 with Best of Breed at Crufts, March 2023. The BOB which allowed Hendrix the honour of representing the breed in the Terrier Group at Crufts and found Jo facing an impromptu “live on air” interview by Clare Balding.
Judges Critique – “Loved his size and ring presence. Nice overall outline which is confirmed on examination. Good coat and colour coming nicely for age. Well presented. Dark eye, black nose and great dentition. Lovely head with well set ears. Nice straight front and good shoulder placement. Kept level topline standing and on the move. Good rear angulation with tail well set on. Moved out well with bags of animation. Happy boy. CC & BOB”

4. Norman Bristow – Awarded Challenge Certificate #39 (#38 from individual judges) with Best Of Breed, at National Terrier April 2024, which gave Hendrix the title of the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club Of GB “ Breed Record Holder”.
Judges Critique “judged this Dog as a youngster in 2017 where he went TG3, and he has lost none of his ring presence in the intervening years. Good mouth with big teeth, well-made head with neat ears, well laid shoulders, good reach of neck, well ribbed, good topline with well set on tail, coat of a good wheaten colour, moved with drive, Best Veteran, Dog CC, and BOB. Pleased to see him go Best Veteran in Show 2. I understand that this is his 39th CC making him the new Breed Record holder”

Not only has Hendrix excelled in achieving 42 CC’s he has also achieved additional Top Awards and Show Awards as listed below.

2024 – SCWT Club Of GB Top Dog
2024 – SCWT Club Of GB Top Veteran
2022 – Our Dogs – Top Stud Dog
2021 – SCWT Club Of GB Top Stud Dog
2019 – SCWT Club Of GB Top Wheaten
2019 – SCWT Club Of GB Top Stud Dog
2018 – SCWT Club Of GB Top Dog
2017 – SCWT Club Of GB Top Dog
2016 – SCWT Club Of GB Top Puppy

42 CC’s (40 CC’s from individual judges)
31 Best of Breeds
17 RCC’s
2023 – Crufts Best Of Breed
6 x BIS – SCWT Club Of GB
3 x Group 3 – Championship Shows
3 x BVIS – Championship Shows
2 x RBVIS – Championship Shows
11 x VG Placings – Championship Shows

We are extremely proud of Hendrix’s achievements despite 34 Championship Shows being cancelled during the Covid Pandemic of 2020/2021; We can only dream of what may have been had Covid not darkened all our lives during this period.

While Hendrix continues to enjoy showing Jo will continue to show him. He is the consummate show dog, always giving his all, always to be seen wagging his tail both in and outside of the ring. Hendrix ended 2024 as the breeds UK Record Holder, Top Dog and Top Veteran, having won five CC’s and five RCC’s, together with numerous Best Veteran in Breed awards and Veteran Group Placings, at Championships shows, during 2024. Hendrix turned nine in February but as the saying goes “there is life in the old dog yet” and Hendrix & Jo look forward to competing in the show ring during 2025.

We are unable to conclude this article without saying the biggest thank you to Beverly & Kevin McDonald of Greentree Wheatens, we remain forever grateful and mindful of their selflessness in allowing such a promising puppy to join us in the UK. We know Hendrix has made them very proud and we share all of his accolades with them. We would also like to say thank you to our friends around the wheaten world whose support of Hendrix, over the years, has been nothing short of amazing.

Jo & Graham Dowdy
Denzilly Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers


CH Flaxela Weaver Of Dreams JW ShCM
DOB : 27th October 2015
26 Unique CCs (27 CCs in total)

Diva was born in a litter of nine puppies to ‘ Phoenix’ CH Calvenace fat bottomed girl for Flaxela and ‘Jagger’ CH Daisymaes Enforcer.  She left home to join a family with one child just after Christmas 2015. After a few weeks the family decided they couldn’t cope with her exuberance, so she came home to stay with her family – forever.

During her puppy career she exhibited at championship and open shows in 28 puppy classes winning 23 of them. She also won the overall prestigious Dog World / Eukanuba pup of the year stakes under Valerie Foss. It was a fabulous experience competing with the best of the best, from top winning kennels. Our judge on the day was Geoff Corish who commented afterwards how much he admired her.

Diva was Best Puppy in Show on six occasions, one which qualified her for the East Anglian super match. Two more gave her the opportunity to compete in National Terrier open show dog of the year and pup of the year. She was placed in both categories by terrier specialist Richard Allen.

A phenomenal year, so much to take in and yet ‘just a dog’ at home. Her life was one of joy, love, holidays and adventures and she loved the green carpet of the show ring.

The following three years saw her continuing her winning ways, including Best in Show, Best of Breeds which she represented in groups. Group wins and numerous group shortlists by many top judges.
The CC record was held previously for 30 years by Steve Howe and his girl Ch Clondaw Jill From Up the Hill At Stevelyn. Steve Howe awarded Diva a rbcc at 10 months old and also her 22nd CC which shows how highly he thought of her.Diva won Best of Breed at Crufts 2018, Reserve Best Bitch at Crufts 2019 before equalling the record at Crufts 2020 – it’s been a lucky show for her.

Diva’s record equalling CC came aged just 4 years old from Anne Bradley at Crufts 2020 – she had to wait post covid to get the winning 26th unique CC until Manchester 2022, awarded by Joe Ashe.

She then stepped back onto a comfy sofa weaving her dreams. Enjoying her family, making more dreams come true with her progeny taking over show ring duties