Club and Committee Contacts

To contact us by email, please click on the Job Title/Role or Topic shown in the following list to send an email to the right person to answer your query.


Chair of Committee

Acting Secretary


Membership Enquiries

Health Enquiries

Rehome Enquiries

Breeders’ Directory and Litter Advert Enquiries

Puppy Pack Orders

Breeder Pack Orders

Puppy Enquiries

For any general enquiries, or for an area not specified above, please use the following link



If you wish to contact a specific individual, please scroll down into the “WHO’S WHO” section below, to find the  person that you are looking for.


President: Mrs Judy Creswick

Chair of Committee: Mrs Sandy Booth

Treasurer: Mr Paul Marshall

Acting Secretary: Mrs Helen Reaney

Committee Members: Mrs Harriet Bye, Mrs Pamela Clarke, Mrs Suzi Gale, Ms Sue Gent, Miss Tracy Hammond, Mrs Sally Johnson, Miss Julia Nevinson, Mrs Elizabeth Shrive, Mrs Sharne Williams.

Co-opted to Committee: Mrs Jane Amel-Azizpour

Mrs Judy Creswick - President


Contact me

Sandy Booth - Chair of Committee

To find out more about Sandy, please click on the following link – Sandy Booth’s Bio

Contact me

Paul Marshall - Treasurer

To find out more about Paul, please click on the following link – Paul Marshall’s Bio

For additional team responsibilities, please see ‘Team’ listings below.

Contact me

Helen Reaney - Acting Secretary

To find out more about Helen, please click on the following link – Helen Reaney’s Bio

For team responsibilities, please see ‘Team’ listings below.

Contact me

Harriet Bye

To find out more about Harriet, please click on the following link – Harriet Bye’s Bio

For team responsibilities, please see ‘Team’ listings below.

Contact me

Pamela Clarke

To find out more about Pam, please lick on the following link – Pam Clarke’s Bio

For team responsibilities, please see ‘Team’ listings below.

Contact me

Suzi Gale

To find out more about Suzi, please click on the following link – Suzi Gale’s Bio

For team responsibilities, please see ‘Team’ listings below.

Contact me

Sue Gent

To find out more about Sue, please click on the following link – Sue Gent’s Bio

Individual responsibilities: Bulletin Editor; Puppy Enquiries.

For additional team responsibilities, please see ‘Team’ listings below.

Contact me

Tracy Hammond

Individual responsibilities: Breeders Directory & Litter Advert Administrator, Breeders Packs, Crufts & Discover Dogs Co-ordinator

For additional team responsibilities, please see ‘Team’ listings below.

Contact me

Sally Johnson

To find out more about Sally, please click on the following link – Sally Johnson’s Bio

For team responsibilities, please see ‘Team’ listings below.

Contact me

Julia Nevinson

To find out more about Julia, please click on the following link – Julia Nevinson’s Bio

Individual responsibilities: Membership Secretary, Bookstall/Online Shop

For additional team responsibilities, please see ‘Team’ listings below.

Contact me

Elizabeth Shrive

To find out more about Liz, please click on the following link – Liz Shrive’s Bio

Individual responsibilities: Cup Steward/Trophy Secretary, Annual Awards

For additional team responsibilities, please see the ‘Team’ listings below.

Contact me

Sharne Williams

To find out more about Sharne, please click on the following link – Sharne Williams’ Bio

For team responsibilities, please see ‘Team’ listings below.

Contact me


Jane Amel-Azizpour (Co-opted to Committee)

To find out more about Jane, please click on the following link – Jane Amel-Azizpour’s Bio

For team responsibilities, please see the ‘Team’ listings below.

Contact me


Fun Day Teams
SOUTH – Paul Marshall, Sally Johnson, Julia Nevinson, Liz Shrive, Nina Bell (Volunteer)
WEST – Paul Marshall, Julia Nevinson, Sharne Williams, Jane Amel-Azizpour
SCOTLAND – Diane McGregor (Volunteer) – Contact Diane

Show Team – Pam Clarke (Show Manager), Suzi Gale (Show Secretary), Sue Gent, Tracy Hammond, Helen Reaney, Liz Shrive, Sharne Williams

Breed Assessment Day (BAD) Team – Helen Reaney, Sally Johnson

Grooming Workshop Team – Pam Clarke, Tracy Hammond, Julia Nevinson, Nina Bell (Volunteer)

Good Citizen Team – Sharne Williams, Jane Amel-Azizpour

Health Team – Tracy Hammond, Kate Watkins – Contact the Health Team

Judges Sub Committee – Steve Howe (Chairman), Graham Dowdy, Gill Ford, Suzi Gale, Bev Howes, Sue Munn, Jean Wright – Contact the JSC Chairman

Social Media Team – Harriet Bye, Pam Clark (Showscene FB page), Suzi Gale, Tracy Hammond

Website Team – Harriet Bye (Website Shop), Rob Cooper (Webmaster & Volunteer), Stephen Donaldson (Consultant & Volunteer), Denise Pascoe (Admin & Volunteer) – Contact the Webmaster



Breed Education Co-ordinator (BEC): Rob Jones – Contact me

150 Club Co-ordinator: Suzi Ives – Contact me

Rehome Co-ordinators: Rob & Kate Watkins – Contact the Rehome Team

Area Representative Co-ordinator: Diane Macgregor – Contact me

Puppy Pack Orders: Cynthia Pinnock – Contact me

RKC Breed Liaison Council Member: Rob Watkins

Club Archivist: Rob Watkins

Year Book Editor: Louise Atyeo – Contact me

Walk Our Wheatens (WOW) Co-ordinator: Penny Weightman – Contact me