Donation to the SCWT Club Rehome Fund

To Donate:
Enter the amount of your donation in the (£) input box, then for further instructions please read  ‘To make this donation‘ in the Description section below.



The Rehome Fund

Occasionally, when the club is trying to arrange a new home for a Wheaten, expenses are incurred.  These can vary from paying for transport of the dog to its new home to helping the new owner with emergency/unexpected veterinary expenses.  The fund has also been used in exceptional circumstances where the dog has required professional help from a groomer or behaviourist.

To make this donation
After your donation amount in the (£) input box:
Select > Add to Basket > View Basket to check your Donation amount >Proceed to Checkout and leave a comment in the Order Notes box (on the Billing Details section) if you wish.
Scroll down to PayPal Express Checkout, select PayPal, the next page allows payment by PayPal or by Bank Card.

If you wish to make regular payments, these can be made either through your bank by Standing Order. Please contact the Club Treasurer on this email address for further details.

If you have, or would like to get a PayPal account, use  this link to make a donation or a monthly recurring order from your PayPal account.

PERSONAL DETAILS (Club members) – if these have changed, please enter new details in the ‘Order Notes’ box during Checkout. Enter details of all joint members.

Problems with your order or have an alternative shipping request - please Contact Us